WCCS Campus Police

The mission of the WCCS Campus Police Department is to work with all members of the campus community to preserve life, maintain human rights, protect property, and promote individual responsibility and fulfill community commitments.

We are committed to enhancing the quality of life on campus by working cooperatively with the public and within the framework of the constitution to enforce the laws, preserve the peace, reduce fear, and provide for a safe environment.

As our mission, we believe in the dignity and worth of all people. We are committed to providing high-quality, community-oriented, sensitive police service; protecting constitutional rights; problem-solving; teamwork; openness; continuous improvements; and providing leadership to the police profession. We encourage and seek diversity in our work force, which permits us to grow and respect each person as an individual. We strive for a safe, healthy work force.

We strive to provide a safe environment for students, faculty, staff and other campus visitors. A person who is not a student, officer, or employee of this institution, who is not authorized by employment or by status as a student of this institution to be on campus or at any other facility owned, operated, or controlled by the governing board of this institution, or who does not have legitimate business on the campus or facility, or any other authorization, license, or invitation to enter or remain at the facility, or anyone who is committing any act tending to interfere with the normal, orderly, peaceful, or efficient conduct or activities of WCCS, may be directed by a campus police officer or other campus official to leave the campus or facility. If the person fails to do so, trespass charges may be pursued by the Campus Police.

We desire to inform all students, staff, and faculty members of the policies and procedures for safety and security at WCCS. This information is published by the WCCS Campus Police Department to meet requirements outlined in Public Law 101-542, the Jeanne Clery Act. It is our wish to keep the campus community informed of any criminal activity which may have an impact on personal safety or security. A copy of this report will be made available upon request. If you wish to obtain a copy, please stop by the WCCS Campus Police Department.

Patrol Procedures
WCCS campus police officers perform patrol duties on foot and in vehicles 24 hours a day to protect persons against bodily harm and property against fire, theft, vandalism, and illegal entry. The entire campus receives patrol coverage to detect violations of security and safety.

The Campus Police Department also provides a variety of other services such as security escorts for student/faculty on campus, jump-starting vehicles, unlocking car doors, and providing general information about the campus and events.

Traffic Rules, Regulations, and Parking
On-campus Parking and Traffic is enforced by the WCCS Campus Police Department. We urge you to help us control our parking and traffic problems for the safety of everyone. The following rules and regulations pertain to all students, staff and the public.

  1. The Speed Limit on campus is 15 miles per hour.
  2. Parking decal must be placed on the inside of the windshield, driver side lower corner so it may be checked by officers. If you do not have a decal, you may obtain one from the Office of the Campus Police. The first decal will be issued at no cost, and subsequent decals will cost $5.00 each.
  3. In case a student needs assistance, contact Campus Police in the Student Center by telephone (334) 375-6036, or contact the evening coordinator at (334) 876-9227.
  4. All vehicle operators must comply with campus regulations and the laws of the State of Alabama.
  5. No parking will be allowed next to the yellow curbs, loading zones, or ramps.
  6. No students, faculty, or staff will be allowed to park in spaces marked visitors or handicapped.
  7. Vehicles parked in handicapped spaces must have a handicapped decal displayed.
  8. Students requiring handicap parking may obtain a handicap parking placard by reporting to the Campus Police Department.
  9. To be legally parked, a vehicle must be within the lines designating the parking spaces.
  10. Do not invite theft by leaving articles of value in your automobile. Anything left in vehicle should be locked in the trunk. LOCK YOUR CAR! Thefts, tampering with vehicles, or other offenses should be reported to the Campus Police.
  11. The College assumes no responsibility for losses from fire, theft, or from any other cause when vehicles are parked on campus.
  12. The registered owner of vehicle is responsible for his vehicle regardless of who is driving. He/she is responsible for all citations issued to the vehicle.
  13. Parking or loitering on campus after normal day or evening classes and/or special activities is prohibited. Offenders will be asked to leave by the Campus Police.
  14. Officers will issue citations for violation of the above rules. The fine for each violation is indicated on the citation. If you receive a citation, it must be paid within ten (10) working days. Students with outstanding traffic citations will not be issued transcripts or allowed to register for further course work.
  15. The College reserves the right, after a reasonable attempt is made to contact the owner(s), or notice has been posted, to remove and impound illegally parked or abandoned vehicle; or any vehicle found on campus without a decal, with an unauthorized or altered decal, or with no license plate; or any vehicle parked in such a way as to constitute a serious hazard to other vehicles or pedestrian traffic or to the movement and operation of emergency equipment. The College also reserves the right to immobilize any vehicle by use of a wheel lock, and the removal of such wheel lock will require payment of existing fines. The owner(s) shall thereafter be responsible for any cost involved in removing, impounding, and storing of such vehicle. The College shall not be liable for any damage to any vehicle which occurs during the removal or impoundment.

Escort Services
The Campus Police Department will provide escort services to those who wish to be escorted from any location on the campus to their vehicles. If you wish to be provided an escort, contact the Police Department at (334) 876-9248 and give your location. A police officer will come to your location and escort you to your vehicle or other location on campus.

Security of Campus Facilities
All classrooms and administrative buildings are opened and secured by the Police Department. All classrooms and administrative buildings are normally opened by 6:30 A.M. and secured by 10:30 P.M., Monday through Friday. During weekends, the classroom buildings are opened and secured as dictated by weekend class schedules.

Buildings/offices will not be unlocked to permit access unless the person seeking entrance has been issued a key for the respective areas and for some reason does not have a key in his or her possession.

Alcohol and Substance Abuse
WCCS is committed to providing a safe, productive, educational, work environment; therefore, WCCS has adopted policies and programs to promote a campus free of alcohol and other drugs.

The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispersion, possession or use of illegal drugs by students or employees is prohibited at any time on any WCCS property or school activity. No employee who is impaired by any illegal drug or alcohol will be allowed to work or be in the workplace. No student who is impaired by any illegal drug or alcohol will attend classes or any college activity.

It is the responsibility of the Campus Police Department to enforce state and local laws and school policies in regard to alcohol and drug-related activities. WCCS will impose sanctions consistent with local, state, and federal laws for employees and students who violate these standards of conduct. Sanctions include but are not limited to:

  1. Referral for prosecution;
  2. Probation, suspension, or expulsion of students; and
  3. Suspension or termination of employees.

Local Law Enforcement Support
The WCCS Campus Police Department will work closely with and receive support from the Selma City Police Department, Dallas County Sheriff’s Department, and Alabama State Troopers. These agencies will be contacted in the event such support is required. It is our intention to foster a healthy working relationship with these state, county, and local law enforcement agencies.

Enforcement Authority
All sworn police officers assigned to the WCCS Campus Police Department receive their powers and authority from the Code of Alabama, Title 16, Chapter 22, Sections 1 and 2, which state: “The president or chief executive officer of any state college or university shall have the authority to appoint or employ one or more suitable persons to act as police officers to keep off intruders and prevent trespass upon and damage to the property of the college or university or of the said university. Such persons shall be charged with all the duties and invested with all the powers of police officers.

Any officer appointed pursuant to the provisions of 16-22-1, is a peace officer whose authority extends to any place in the state; provided that the primary duty of any such police or peace officer shall be the enforcement of the law on property owned or leased by the institution of higher education employing such officers; provided further, that he shall not otherwise act as a peace officer in enforcing the law except:

  1. When in pursuit of any offender or suspected offender who is charged with the commission of a crime while on the premises of said institution; or
  2. To make arrests otherwise lawfully for crimes committed or for which there is probable cause to believe have been committed, within his presence or within the boundaries of said property owned or leased.”

Safety & Emergency Procedures

WCCS takes the safety of its students and employees very serious. We are committed to protecting the College community in the event of an emergency on College property or surrounding areas. All college employees are responsible for maintaining compliance with federal, state, and local laws, as well as College policies and procedures. WCCS have sworn safety officers on staff. These officers perform immediate assistance, pending the arrival of emergency services personnel, provided such assistance can be given without endangering themselves or others involved in the incident. In an effort to maintain a safe college environment for all students, employees, and visitors and to expedite aid in the event of an emergency, please be familiar with these procedures.

Emergency Notification

As part of WCCS’s effort to ensure the safety of students, employees, and visitors, the College utilizes a campus emergency notification system. To achieve this, the College has partnered with SchoolCast to implement the Patriot Alert System. The Patriot Alert System enables the College to better inform the campus community of a possible dangerous situation. In the event it becomes necessary to close the campus or to cancel classes and other activities due to inclement weather, students and employees can receive time sensitive emergency messages via text and voice messages to cell phones and home phones through the Patriot Alert System. Everyone who has provided an email address to WCCS during the hiring or admission process will receive emergency alerts to those e-mail addresses. Although participation in this system is not mandatory, enrollment is strongly encouraged. Contact the WCCS Campus Security Department for more information on the emergency notification system.

Tornado Warning/Severe Weather 

  • Immediately seek shelter in hallways on the lower level of building away from doors and windows.
  • Remain in designated shelter until warning expires and given further directions.
  • Never attempt to outrun a tornado or other severe weather.
  • Maintain personal belongings such as cell phones, purses, backpacks when possible.


  • Evacuate the building immediately when the alarm is activated or there is evidence of a fire.  Exit signs are located in all buildings.
  • Close doors as exiting and activate the nearest fire alarm pull station. 
  • Call 911 to report the location of fire or smoke.
  • Maintain personal belongings such as cell phones, purses, backpacks when possible.
  • Report to Building Coordinator or Instructor at the assembly point.

Building/Campus/Area Evacuation

  • Remain calm and encourage others to do likewise.
  • Gather personal belongings if safe to do so.
  • DO NOT delay evacuation; immediately evacuate the building using nearest safe exit/stairwell.