Student Participation in Government and Institutional Decision-Making

The college organizational structure provides for and encourages student involvement in the affairs of the college through the Student Government Association. The SGA meets at regular intervals, and the meetings are open to all students who wish to observe the proceedings. Every student should feel at liberty to make suggestions to the SGA, to any committee, or to any office of the college administration.

The president of the SGA serves as a member of the Admissions Committee, the Student Activities Committee, and the Disciplinary Appeals Board. Additional student involvement is obtained through student representation on various committees including the Admissions Committee, Disciplinary Committee, Student Activities Committee, and the Disciplinary Appeals Board.

Students are asked to provide feedback and input through course/faculty evaluations each semester. This feedback is valuable in assessing and improving course outcomes. Full democratic student participation is expected and encouraged. Ultimately, legal responsibility for the administration of the College rests with the College president, and all actions are subject to his review and approval.