Practical Nursing (PN) Standard Certificate

The Practical Nursing Program offers educational opportunities that allow persons to complete their goals of becoming Licensed Practical Nurses prepared to practice safe, ethical bedside nursing in a structured care setting under the direct supervision of the registered nurse and/or physician or dentist. Students are prepared to function within guidelines established by the Alabama Board of Nursing.

The Practical Nursing Program has received full approval from the Alabama Board of Nursing and continuing full accreditation from the Accrediting Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). Further information regarding the program and its accreditation status may be obtained by calling the ACEN at (404) 975-5000 or by writing to the following address:

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, Georgia 30326

Applicants to the Practical Nursing Program should be aware that graduation from the program does not guarantee eligibility to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-PN). The Alabama Board of Nursing determines/grants eligibility and has the option of denying it to any candidate who fails to produce evidence of good moral character such as, but not limited to, an arrest or conviction of a criminal offense or driving under the influence of drugs/alcohol.

The Practical Nursing Program functions as the second step (level) of the Nursing Career Ladder of WCCS. After successful completion of the Practical Nursing Program, the NCLEX-PN, and academic requirements of the Mobility Track of the Associate Degree Nursing Program, PN graduates qualify for admission into the RN mobility program.   In addition, the first semester of the Practical Nursing Program satisfies the requirements of the WCCS Nursing Assistant/Home Health course for certification. Upon successful completion of the first semester of the Practical Nursing Program, students may apply and pay a $135.00 fee to take the NNAAP (state licensure test for Nursing Assistant).                        

PN Admission Criteria

Minimum admission standards for the Practical Nursing Program include:

1.  Unconditional admission to the college.

2.  Receipt of completed application packet for the Practical Nursing Program by the following deadline dates:

  • 3-semester Curriculum/Spring and Fall only: November 1st at 2:00 pm for the Spring semester admission, and June 16th at 2:00 pm for the Fall semester admission.

3.  A minimum of 2.50 GPA on the last 24 hours of college courses completed in a transcript term.

4.  A minimum of 2.50 high school GPA for students without prior college work (GED acceptable in lieu of high school transcript).

5.  Eligibility for English 101 and Math 100 as determined by college policy.

6.  Must take the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) by the application deadline date.  The applicant’s actual percentile score will be calculated into the compilation of points for admission ranking. The TEAS score is good for two (2) years. A student may repeat the TEAS V (or current version) once during any semester admission time frame. The student must wait at least six (6) weeks before retaking the exam.

7.  Good standing with the college.

8.  Meeting the essential functions required for nursing.

9.  Pass a Background Check and Drug Screening.

Admission to the Practical Nursing Program is every fall and spring semester.  Deadline dates are published/advertised well in advance and available on the College website  All applicants for admission must meet eligibility for MTH 100 and ENG 101 as determined by College policy. Admission to the Practical Nursing Program is competitive, and the number of students is limited by the number of faculty and clinical facilities available. Meeting minimal admission requirements does not guarantee acceptance to the program.  All completed application packets must be submitted to the Office of Student Services by the published deadline date. Clinical agencies require that all Practical Nursing students must pass a drug screening and criminal background check. The cost of these tests must be paid by the student.

The Practical Nursing curriculum and admission criteria are subject to change due to statewide standardization of nursing programs in the two-year college system.

Applicants must possess a high school diploma or equivalency (GED). Upon acceptance into the program, student are required to: (1) take a physical examination by a Physician or Nurse Practitioner with findings submitted to the department on the designated departmental health clearance form, (2) pay a $15.00 malpractice liability insurance premium, (3) furnish proof of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) certification/recertification (Healthcare Provider), good for a minimum of one year, (4) attend a scheduled pre-program orientation, (5) submit to and pass a drug screening test (6) pass a background check screening.  Failure to comply with # 1-6 by the date set forth by the Practical Nursing Program will result in forfeiture of admission.

Upon admission into the Practical Nursing Program, students will be provided with pertinent information including appropriate cost of textbooks, uniforms/supplies, physical examinations, background screening, drug screening and other expenses for the year. Students are required to purchase the nursing uniforms specified by the Health Sciences Department. All curricular information will be provided to students prior to the start of the semester during pre-program orientation. Students are expected to adhere to deadline dates.

Nursing is a practice discipline with specific performance requirements in the cognitive, psychomotor sensory and affective domains. Essential Performance Standards expected of students in the Practical Nursing Program are available to students prior to admission. The appraisal measures utilized are in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 so as not to discriminate against any person on the basis of disability. Applicants must submit the completed Performance Standards Verification Form prior to enrollment in the program and must update as applicable. In addition, the Practical Nursing Program strictly abides by the WCCS Non-Discrimination Policy as outlined in College Catalog and Program Policy Manual.

Students entering the Practical Nursing Program who are experiencing health and/or behavioral alterations during the course of the program will be required to present a signed statement from their physician stating it is permissible for them to continue in the program, and verifying that they can meet the Alabama Community College System’s Essential Function Standards for Nursing. Thereafter, statements will be submitted following monthly or weekly visits to the physician. All statements shall be submitted to the Program Director.  Pregnant students must be able to complete all scheduled clinical requirements.


The Practical Nursing Program may be completed in three (3) semesters. All students entering the program are governed by policies in the College Catalog, the Health Science Student Policy Manual Handbook, and the clinical facilities to which they are assigned for clinical practice. The first semester of the program serves as a prerequisite semester to all other semesters, and all courses must be passed to proceed in the program. The program operates on a progression system. Policies for admission/readmission attendance, progression, health (including HIV and other blood-borne diseases), grievance, advisory, and graduation can be found in the Health Science Student Policy Manual Handbook.

In order to progress in the nursing program, the student must:

l.     Achieve a grade of C or better in all required general education and nursing courses.                                                                                                             

2. Be acceptable by clinical agencies for clinical experiences.

3. Maintain the ability to meet essential functions for nursing with or without reasonable accommodations.

4. Maintain program health requirements.

l. A total of two unsuccessful attempts in two separate semesters (D, F, or W) in the nursing program will result in dismissal from the program.             

2. A student may be reinstated to the nursing program only one time. The reinstatement is not guaranteed due to limitations in clinical spaces. All nursing program admission standards must be met.                                                                                                                                                                   

3. A student must have a 2.0 cumulative GPA at the current institution for reinstatement.                                                                                               

4. If a student has a documented extenuating circumstance that should be considered related to a withdrawal or failure, then this student may request a hearing before the Admissions Committee or other appropriate college committee for a decision on repeating a course or readmission to the program.

A minimum grade of “C” (75%) or above is required to pass all courses in the Practical Nursing curriculum.

The following grading criteria will apply to all Practical Nursing courses:





F=59 and below

Credit hours for courses are determined by the average hours designated per week for theory, lab and/or clinical practice over a 16-week semester. The number of credit hours for course in the Practical Nursing Program is determined by the number of hours designated as theory (1:1 ratio), skills lab (1:3 ratio), and clinical practice (1:3 ratio).

Students are required to have a minimum overall grade point average of 2.0 (“C”) from WCCS in order to graduate.

Process for Reinstatement

  1. Students should first schedule an appointment with a nursing faculty/advisor to discuss eligibility for reinstatement.
  2. Students must apply for reinstatement to the nursing program and submit the application with ACT test results and Letter of Intent by published deadlines.
  3. Students must apply for readmission to the college if not currently enrolled. College readmission must be accomplished by published deadlines.
  4. Update immunizations, CPR, drug testing, and background screening according to program policy.
  5. Demonstrate competency in previous course(s) as required by the College's nursing program.                                                        Transfer Policy

The transfer policy applies to students desiring to transfer between Alabama Community College System institutions. It does not apply to students wishing to transfer from other institutions.

Criteria for Transfer

    1. Must meet minimum admission standards for the nursing program.
    2. Must possess a grade of C or better in all nursing program required courses taken at another institution and possess a minimum of a 2.0 cumulative GPA at time of transfer.
    3. Dean/Director of previous nursing program must provide a letter of eligibility for progression in previous nursing program.
    4. Must comply with all program policy requirements at accepting institution.
    5. Complete at least 25% of the nursing program required courses for degree /certificate at the accepting institution.
    6. Must meet acceptability criteria for placement at clinical agencies for clinical experience.
    7. Acceptance of transfer students into nursing programs is limited by the number of faculty and clinical facilities available. Meeting minimal standards does not guarantee acceptance.

Transient Student Policy

The transient policy applies only to students desiring to transfer between Alabama Community College System institutions. It does not apply to students wishing to transfer from other institutions.

Criteria for Transient Status

  1. Must meet minimum admission standards for the nursing program.
  2. Must possess a grade of C or better in all nursing program required courses taken at another institution and possess a minimum of a 2.0 cumulative GPA.
  3. Dean/Director of previous nursing program must provide a letter of eligibility for progression in previous nursing program.
  4. A student enrolled at another institution must secure permission from that institution by submitting an application for admission to the College and a Transient Student Form completed by an official (Nursing Program Dean/Director) of the primary institution.
  5. Transient students must complete a Transcript Request Form at the end of the term before a transcript will be issued to the primary institution.
  6. Must comply with all program policy requirements at accepting institution.
  7. Must meet acceptability criteria for placement at clinical agencies for clinical experience.
  8. Acceptance of transient student into a nursing program is limited by the number of faculty and clinical facilities available. Meeting minimal standards does not guarantee acceptance.

PN progression

Students completing NUR 112, 113, 114, and 115 at an institution that only offers the PN program and who wish to transfer to another institution to complete the ADN degree, must meet the requirement for 25% course completion at college of graduation. Students who cannot meet the 25% course requirement must apply for Mobility and take the transition course to meet the 25% course requirement.

Nursing Scholarships

Nursing scholarships depend upon funding but may be awarded in the following categories:

  • Academic scholarships: Amount/Full Tuition

Criteria:  3.0 GPA (Minimum)

ACT: 18

  • Tuition assistance scholarships:  Amount $1,000.00 (500.00 (x) 2 semesters)

Criteria:  Demonstrated need per FAFSA

  • Career ladder scholarships:  Amount/Full Tuition

Criteria:  Graduate of the Wallace Community College Selma PCT program, 3.0 GPA

Scholarship applications may be obtained on the College website,  Scholarship applications should be returned to the Office of Financial Aid by the specified deadline.  Scholarship awards will be determined by the scholarship committee.

Area I: Written Composition

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Area II: Humanities and Fine Arts

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Area III: Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Area IV: History, Social and Behavioral Sciences

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Area V: Additional General Education Courses, Major Courses and Electives

Item #
Sub-Total Credits
Total credits:

Course Sequencing

Third Semester

Item #
Sub-Total Credits




Standard Certificate