Senior College Transfer Programs

The Associate in Arts and Associate in Science degrees are often referred to as “transfer degrees” because they are primarily designed to prepare the student for transfer into a baccalaureate program at a senior college or university. However, since acceptance of transfer credits is ultimately determined by the senior institution, students planning to transfer must consult their advisor at this College as well as the catalog of the institution to which they are planning to transfer to ensure that credit courses from this College will transfer to the senior college. Students are advised that they should establish contact with a counselor at the senior college to which the student intends to transfer. Students are also advised that it is usually to their advantage to complete all the requirements for an appropriate associate degree at Wallace Community College Selma and graduate prior to transferring to a senior college in order to best ensure transfer to that institution with junior standing.

For the freshman and sophomore years, the nature and number of pre-professional courses required vary among universities and colleges. Students who have determined which profession or occupation they plan to enter should study the list of courses prescribed by the four-year college they plan to attend. It is the student’s responsibility to become familiar with the requirements of the four-year college.