College Goals & Strategies

1. Teaching & Learning

Key Strategies

1.1 Incorporate best practice teaching strategies that promote deeper more relevant learning

1.2 Provide instructional access through various modes of instructional delivery (traditional, hybrid, and online to meet the needs of diverse learners as well as those that are underprepared for college-level courses.

1.3 Identify college-level general education competencies and measure the extent to which students have attained them utilizing identified benchmarks and validated assessment instruments.

1.4 Ensure course quality by documenting Student Learning Outcomes in all degree and certificate programs and ensure that results are used for program improvement.

1.5 Develop and implement a Quality Enhancement Plan based on an institutional assessment that focuses on student learning and supports the mission of the college.

1.6 Conduct a process of program reviews that address community needs and identifies programs' strengths and weaknesses to ensure that the college is offering up-to-date and relevant programs.

1.7 Support quality teaching and learning and ensure continuous improvements by providing comprehensive learning resources that are easily accessible to students (includes a library, writing laboratories, success center, and computer laboratories)

1.8 Utilize available regional and local assessment data, to develop and implement new instructional programs based on the identified needs of the service area of the college.

  1.          1.9 Maintain instructional cost through an annual revenue versus cost review of each instructional program and continuously work               to increase the affordability of courses.
  2. Increase access for high school students through dual enrollment programs
  3.          1.11 Provide professional development and necessary training for faculty to teach traditional, hybrid, and online courses
  4.          1.12 Provide appropriate educational support services to students with disabilities.


2.Student Focus/Services Success

GOAL: Promote high-quality student experiences through services consistent with student needs, interests, and abilities that lead to student development and success.

Key Strategies

2.1 Annually assess graduation, retention, persistence, transfer, employment, and certification/licensure student achievement outcomes and utilize the data to increase student success.

2.2 Maintain a comprehensive and coordinated process for data collection, reporting, and evaluation of student satisfaction.

2.3 Improve student satisfaction and utilization of academic support and student services designed to increase their success.

2.4 Improve the retention of students through an ongoing counseling and advisement program that will meet future demands and ensure that the college provides needed services and experiences for student success.

2.5 Provide academic support services to students with academic challenges as well as students that are underserved and disadvantaged.


GOAL: Broaden the development of educational and administrative technology that enhances student learning and improves college management processes and functions.

Key Strategies

3.1 Implement a plan that protects the college from cybersecurity threats and attacks for the safety of faculty, staff & students.

3.2 Maintain, upgrade, and expand technological resources that increase opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to utilize the most up-to-date technology in the delivery of instruction (classrooms, laboratories) and administrative services.

3.3 Utilize online survey instruments to assess consumer satisfaction with services offered by the College.

3.4 Enhance the efficiency of the College’s assessment process through the utilization of Strategic Planning Online institutional assessment software.

3.5 Enhance technological access to online courses and instructional programs through college-wide utilization of an online course management system.

3.6 Provide appropriate training for faculty, staff, and students on the use of available technology resources as they are acquired by the college.

3.7 Enhance the technological skills of all employees of the college through an ongoing professional development program.

3.8 Provide the necessary technical support for faculty, staff, and students that ensures efficient instructional and administrative operations.

4. Workforce/ Economic Development

“Provide high-quality workforce development programs that meet the needs of businesses and industries and enhance the economic development efforts of the region and the state.”

Key Strategies

Provide customized training programs in response to the needs of businesses and industries

Establish agreements with businesses and industries in the service areas of the College to deliver online professional development in order to meet the needs of Alabama’s workforce

Increase the number of industry-recognized certifications awarded yearly to students in non-credit programs

4.4 Expand work-based learning educational opportunities.

      4.5  Expand and enhance partnerships and planning with educational institutions, businesses, government agencies, and community organizations to further the mission of the college.

5.Community Engagement/Development

GOAL: Foster key relationships with community leaders to support community engagement and development efforts in the college’s service area

Key Strategies

5.1 Cultivate college attendance through ongoing programs with feeder schools of the college’s service area

5.2 Develop and sustain mutually beneficial and engaging community partnerships

5.3 Expand relationship with k-12 to inspire/promote postsecondary education.

5.4 Partner in various community service improvement projects throughout the service area

5.5 Provide cultural enrichment and educational opportunities to the students as well   as the community through a variety of arts and humanities

5.6 Play a pivotal role in leading community development efforts in the college service area and addressing community issues as needed.

5.7 Partner with community organizations to benefit the community (faculty & Staff)

5.8 Annually review local assessment data/report to guide the college’s community development /engagement efforts

5.9 Provide service-learning opportunities that expose students to a lifestyle of community involvement/engagement.

5.10 Provide access to programs and services that strengthen the educational, social, and economic life of the diverse community served by the College

5.11 Design, produce and deliver professional communications about programs, instructional support, and services to a diverse student population, the general public, and the media

6. Adult Education

GOAL: Provide an Adult Education program that alleviates educational gaps and helps participants gain economic and social mobility.

Key Strategies

6.1 Eliminate barriers to academic performance and increased enrollment in the adult education program

6.2 Provide access to lifelong learning opportunities to the service area of the College utilizing a variety of instructional methods. (online, traditional, and hybrid)

6.3 Partner with the Alabama Community College System and local agencies in the

      the service area of the College in offering adult education classes.

6.4 Develop and implement adult education career pathways that ultimately lead to employment and/or colleges enrollment

6.5 Utilize community partners to promote opportunities available through adult education, workforce, and CTE.

7. Enrollment

GOAL: Implement a strategic enrollment management plan that has a positive impact on the college’s financial stability

Key Strategies

    1. Maintain an ongoing program for the recruitment, retention, and graduation of students. (Enrollment Management)
    2. Annually monitor and review the College’s retention, graduation, and transfer rates

 7.3 Develop and facilitate a smooth admission and enrollment processes

 7.4 Implement innovative recruitment and marketing strategies to manage enrollment efforts after analyzing and cultivating prospective students’ markets

 7.5 Enhance enrollment in online courses by developing strategies that will attract broader credit and non-credit populations.

8. Efficiency of Operations

GOAL: Improve efficient operations of the College.

Key Strategies

8.1 Ensure a stable financial program that enhances resource allocation and promotes accountability of institutional resources.

8.2 Continue to align the annual budget of the College to the institutional effectiveness plans of each program, and department of the College.

8.3 Administer policies and procedures that promote fairness, consistency, and excellence in the management and administration of programs and services.

8.4 Improve the financial position of the College through new funding efforts by aggressively pursuing new funding resources.

8.5 Provide safe, clean, and comfortable facilities, accessible to all students and the community.

8.6 Develop and maintain a Facilities Master Plan that addresses needed improvements to existing infrastructure and ensures that the college is fulfilling its mission to its students and the area it serves.

8.7 Maximize the use of personnel, physical and financial resources of the College.

8.8 Develop and maintain an ongoing program of Institutional Effectiveness and research that promotes ongoing, integrated, institution-wide, research-based evaluation processes.

8.9 Ensure that the college meets SACSCOC principles of accreditation and requirements of other educational program approval/accrediting agencies

8.10 Provide opportunities for faculty, staff, and students to become involved in institutional governance.

8.11 Provide faculty and staff professional development to ensure that employees are efficient in their roles and responsibilities.

8.12 Expand and enhance the image and reputation of the College through ongoing public and communication effort

8.13 Strengthen internal channels for internal communications and efficient flow of information throughout the institution.